Up (3D)
Saw this last Thursday but my office station was down so haven't posted my thoughts of it.
The first five to ten minutes are really pedestrian, though, and might put you off and you'd think that this couldn't really be a Pixar movie. It does pick up, though. Overall, I don't think it's as good as the first 2/3rds of Wall-E or the entirety of Finding Nemo but it's pretty good, anyway.
The house with the balloons is pretty well-drawn. They're going for a pseudo-realism here, albeit the human characters are still out of proportion. Anyways, this is the first time Pixar uses normal people as main characters, I think. I find the Asian kid a bit annoying but that's just me.
What is nice, though, is the view on the cycle of life, with Carl's nearly over and flowing to the Asian kid's. The talking dogs are hilarious, though, with the funniest bit being the Alpha dog speaking in a pipsqueak voice (his modulator's broke). An unexpected villain, looking like Kirk Douglas, and nods to Miyazaki's Laputa : Castle in the Sky and Howl's Moving Castle completes an already sumptous feast.
The 3D effects are not invasive, merely to create depth, no things flying out of the screen. The tickets cost a bomb, though.
8 out of 10.