This country is almost run by the Americans cos the rulers want to suck your collective cocks by arresting terrorists (Jemaah Islamiyah and Mujahidden) under the Internal Security Act (local version of the Patriot Act).
Meanwhile, the police aren't good enuff to regulate the Kumpulan Mujahidden Malaysia (our faction of Al-Qaeda) hence a Mujahidden fucker on a motorbike carrying a machine gun. So I'm quite worried. On top of it all, the weather here is haywire. It never rains in the summer solstice here but this year, shhhheeeiiiiittttt!!!!!!!
The straw that broke the camel's back is if course I was recruited by the National Security Branch of Malaysia (somewhat akin to secret police and your FBI have been taking cues from us to form their own NSB) and I dunno what to do.
I helped Jack Wade of the Company to capture a suspect (Shatar Bin Ahmad) with my schematic glasses and high-tech espionage techniques. Still got my special compass to finger them, and SIGINT comes in through the local radio stations. I'm also equipped with a camera to fotograph insurgents and recorder to record conversations but have yet sent them to the Ministry of Defence.