Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Die Hard 4.0 : Live Free or Die Hard

Finished watching this and was about to post my thoughts on it when the line broke down.

This one just stretches the incredulity of action movies - knocking off a fire hydrant to knock out a helicopter, flying car stopped by two parallel cars from landing on the protagonists, ramming a car up a ramp into a helicopter, 18-wheeler outgunning a hover jetfighter. Sheesh!

Bruce Willis is also long in the tooth and the muscular sequences look like poor fabrication.

The premise is interesting, though, and reminds of the plot I have drawn up for my second novel about World War 3 being a cyber-war (if and when my current novel gets finished).

The young chap has the looks of Keanu Reeves and all his acting chops. Kevin Smith gets a speaking role (uncredited in the end credits) but it isn't funny. The villain is about as menacing as a boyband member. Stereotypical kung-fu role for the token Asian as well (Maggie Q, whatever became of her?).

In any event, this is a great fun waste of time, even if there's nary a brain cell wasted. Wish I had bought some popcorn.


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