Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Siouxsie & the Banshees - Through the Looking Glass

Got this mainly I loved their cover of "This Wheel's On Fire". A pretty pleasant collection of covers, though there are some misses. Here's a track by track rundown:-

This town ain't big enough for both of us - Pretty predictable Sparks cover as this is the catchiest song on "Kimono My House". The reproduction is pretty faithful, with just the chiming guitars substituting the synth lines. Can't comment much as it sounds too similar to the original.

Hall of Mirrors - Interesting choice of cover. This Kraftwerk song is my favourite on "Trans-Europe Express". However, it doesn't really work that well, Siouxsie sings the verses whereas the original were spoken. However, the bass replicating the synth-bass line is haunting.

Trust In Me - One of my favourite songs from "Jungle Book". Preserves the sinister undertones of the original song, if you can remember, this is the song the Cobra King sings to Mowgli, while hypnotising him to be eaten, maybe. I'm glad they didn't cover "Bare Necessities".

This Wheel's On Fire - There hasn't been any bad cover of this Dylan song. And this is one of my favourites. A synth-goth reworking of that song, with really strong vocals and some chugging guitar lines.

Strange Fruit - Of course, you can say Siouxsie cannot reproduce the vocal inflections and phrasing of Billie Holiday but this is a strangely eerie and effective cover of that anti-racism theme. Mellotron-ish sings back the verses while the middle is a funereal jazz dirge. Good!

You're Lost, Little Girl - Pretty throwaway Doors cover. As it doesn't have the carnival atmosphere of Manzarek's organs, something is lost in translation. They should have picked a poppier song such as "Love Me Two Times" or "Hello I Love You".

The Passenger - Now this is a bad cover. Done in an uptempo and happy mood, this one doesn't convey the original's feel, as Iggy Pop sang it in a sarcastic sneer, probably not mentioning the old lady being mugged or a junkie shooting dope as he's enjoying the view. Bad bad bad.

Gun - This a bona-fide goth-garage classic. I haven't heard the John Cale original but this is a raucous rockin' slab, my brahskis. Siouxsie probably does it better than Cale's monotone.

Sea Breezes - Also a bad choice for a cover. The Roxy Music original doesn't have much melody and the middle section (the most interesting part) is way too short. Should have gone for either "2HB" or "Ladytron" or even "virginia Plain".

Little Johnny Jewel - Also haven't heard the original Television. Doesn't really catch my ear. Nothing much remarkable. Should have gone for either "Elevation" or "Torn Curtain", which are more compelling songs.


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