Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bought this over the weekend:-

Flags of our Fathers

Mostly an examination of that impact of that famous photo of soldiers raising the flag in Iwo Jima, what happened subsequently and the nature of heroism. In the wake of that capture of that pivotal strategic point (which was rendered rather redundant by the A-bomb a few months later anyway), studies three of the surviving flag-raisers - Ira Hayes, the troubled Native American, Rene Gagnon, the opportunist and "Doc" Bradley, a medic who felt impotent during the raid which took so many lives. Most of it is just a contrast between the old "war is hell" adage and the gaudy commercialism taking place at home in trying to raise funds for the war. Good and atmospheric in parts, although not to the point of "The Thin Red Line". And I'd wish the battles are as frenetic as the intro and climax of "Saving Private Ryan"

Letters from Iwo Jima

The same battle as the above, but told from Japanese eyes. Centres on Private Saigo, a reluctant soldier who would rather be at home baking confectionery. The commander of the defence is one General Kuriyabashi, who was stationed in America so there's a lot of adoption of American warfare, such as the refusal to order the soldiers to suicide after losing a waypoint. Is a rather fine examination of Japanese honour and the code of warfare. As again, beautifully atmospheric. The sad fate of the ex-Kempeitai (secret police) is tragic. Paints a balanced view of Jap officers and soldiers. Not all bad, not all good. I loved both this and the one above.


Rather a let-down after the two great war movies above. Concerns the plot to assasinate Hitler. Scant details on why is there a motive for doing so by all involved in said plot. The pace is rather hurried, as the plan is only shown in fast-moving frames in a ten-second montage. As everybody should know the outcome of the attempt, there's also not much tension. The remainder of the movie focusses on securing Berlin, which admitedly, is not that interesting. Tom Cruise has a nice 'do, though. Not really recommended.

Rage Against the Machine - Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium

Didn't get it the last time cos the setlist is similar to "The Battle of New Mexico". The vocals are mixed way too low for my liking. And the drums are not mic'ed properly, producing rather feeble thuds. Otherwise, there's not much difference from the studio versions, as all the riffs and solos are meticulously reproduced. There's a cameo by Cypress Hill on "How I Could Just Kill A Man". "No Shelter", a song not found on any album, is the gem here. Otherwise, the "Kick Out the Jams" cover is fairly mediocre. Also contains the "National Democratic Convention" show, which is a sonic sludge. And has the video for that Cypress Hill cover(boring) and alternate video for "Bombtrack" (educational).


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