Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Devo - Q: Are we not Men? A: We Are Devo

Generally disappointed with this. The other songs are not as mind-bending as the singles or the cover of "Satisfaction". Just generic New Wave songs. Lacks the elasticky rhythms of "Jocko Homo" or the sparse ass rock of "Mongoloid". Ho hum!

The English Beat - Special Beat Service

One of their later albums. Not as engaging as songs such as "Mirror in the Bathroom" on one of their earlier albums but generally okay. I pretty much like the "toasting" songs. But their engine is running low by now.

Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam

Quite noisy electro-pop. Makes me more fucked-up if I am in a fucked-up mood already. Quite okay, although I would have wanted more innovation than just a wall of sound of synths.

Cocteau Twins - Head Over Heels and Treasure

Both very engrossing early recordings. I quite like the bits of dissonance they put in, although I have to admit the melodies aren't as pretty as on "Milk & Kisses". Towering sepulchral sounds indeed.

Bon Iver - For Emma, Wherever She May Go

Quite boring this. Expecting another Fleet Foxes but no such luck.

Funkadelic - Maggot Brain

Eschewing the funk for the psychedelic, the title track really blows me away, totally Hendrix-worthy. Not much in the way of interesting funk, though, as it is pretty much a rock album.

Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand

Generally not as immediate as an indie rock album should be but still enraptures my attention.


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