Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Star Trek

Glad they decided to turn the franchise into a space western a la Star Wars. I've always had trouble with the incessant techno-babble and the future Utopian elements. Rebooting Kirk and Spock as misfits and ne'er do wells seems to pander to the current climate, though, especially since now every hero seems to be darker. Alright to me, though, as a casual Trekker.

Things I didn't like:-

The Spock-Uhura romance seems like an afterthought.
The saving Romulus part is illogical as the planet is doomed. Romulus will either be pulled into the singularity or die without a sun. (Or is it a nearby star? If so, cross this out)
Hey! Sulu is an Oriental, why not make him a katana-wielding samurai? (shitty Asian stereotype)
Simon Pegg comes in too late in the movie. (He's funny)
Kirk could have easily faked an illness rendering the administration of the virus unneccessary.

Things I liked:-
The original Star Trek crew, not TNG, not Voyager, not DS9, not Enterprise.
No barely comprehensible future scientific theories.
The action sequences are very well done, especially the free fall from space.
Kirk from the beginning was shagging aliens.
Setting it in an alternate future (or past) works, since the original series started with the maiden voyage of Enterprise (the pilot had Pike as captain, didn't it?).

I don't have much of a problem with the cast, except they don't resemble their TV counterparts except for Spock and Bones. Karl Urban as Bones throws in the best performance, seemingly channeling Deforrest Kelley. 8 out of 10 stars. The summer is having a good start.


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