Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wolverine (leaked unfinished version)

This one created quite a hoo-hah recently as someone in the editing department filched a copy and put it on the Internet. What can I say? This is actually more enjoyable than the finished version, showing the process of producing a dumbfuck superhero movie.

Highlights include:-

1. Polygonal CAD-ish planes and sea.
2. Visible stunt wires.
3. CGI guns which are out of alignment with the character's hands.
4. Fake plasticky logs.
5. Driving and flying scenes where the backdrop looks fake.
6. Wolverine turning into that liquid metal dude from Terminator 2.
7. Slowed-down action scenes.
8. A painful drop where Wolverine skims endlessly over water.
9. Dialogue cues on-screen.
10. Written instructions for special effects.
11. Disappearing claws.
12. Bad syncopation resulting in two Deadpools at the end.
13. And the gorgeous CAD climax.

S'fun. Thank you, you mofugging pirates. May you never stop.

PS - I saw bits of "Be Cool". Is this shit even supposed to be funny?


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