Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Another Roland Emmerich destroy the world thrill-a-thon?

Or celluloid worthy of the dumpster like Godzilla or 10,000 BC?

Actually, the first time a city gets destroyed (some Californian town), it was exciting. But keep repeating scenes of mindless destruction and there's a feeling of ennui.

And John Cusack is either some sort of superhero or had incredible luck to survive all those shit happenning around him.

Some of the scenes involving water also look quite fake and rushed.

And the ending is .... Going back to the way the Earth used to be millions of years ago......

Barely entertaining. And I'm glad I didn't shell out dough to see it (it was on my gf's tab).


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