Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sigh! Another eight more movies to go:-

Twin Peaks : Fire Walk With Me

Two things bad about this. First, the dialogue is leaden and stilted and does not match the panache of the series, which was probably why it got such a slamming from critics and fans of the tv series upon first release. Secondly, Sheryl Lee is a terrible actress, over-emoting at all times and mostly just screaming her head off. I've kinda given this the brush-off for a while, accepting the bad rep as an excuse. As it stands, it's not as bad as the reception suggests.

I got this merely for completion's sakes, having watched all of Lynch's movies bar "The Straight Story" and got the entire tv series on DVD. The soap elements aside, the surrealist sequences are generally spooky, disturbing and haunting. I would think of this as a somewhat unconventional "horror" movie, providing genuine disturbance and fear rather than the cheap scares in the usual fare. The sequences do get under your skin in a bad way, the only Lynch movie to do that to me since the twitching dead dog and the bleeding chickens sequence in "Eraserhead". If only he kept the needless character interactions to a minimum and shot more of the nightmarish sequences, this would have been a way better movie.


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