Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Kingdom Come (graphic novel)

Been meaning to get this one for ages. Apparently, my dear old comics buddy loved this to bits. As the graphic novel is, it's not bad at all. A more straightforward old farts coming out of retirement to right things, which comes across as a clarion call to resurrecting the idea that superheroes fill the void left by vanished myths of old gods.

I enjoyed this much better than "Dark Knight Returns", which is more or less covering the same ground - insane future, old guard reinforcing old values. I know I'm gonna get flack for this, but the usage of the aged Justice League is not as interesting as the second Dark Knight, nor the juxtaposition of Lex Luthor and gang. What is the good thing here is that the characters are more grounded in "reality", even if the bedlam here is just anarchic superheroes using the world akin to a boxing ring to cater for their show of might.

Batman looks great as an old geezer, though. As usual, my fanboy instincts are greatly appeased by the amount of superheroes here, mostly progenies of the old guard, and uses a lot of characters (sons and daughters of Justice Leaguers) from the under-rated "Infinity Inc.", definitely one of my favourite team series, before it was abolished by Crisis on Infinite Earths (it was set on Earth 2).

There is also definitely a Christian bent on the whole thing, as Revelations is quoted endlessly, and the Spectre seems to have been ordered by God. The central crux of Billy Batson/Captain Marvel to the whole story is also quite beautiful.

I love this. Art's not shabby at all, although it can get a bit patchy if Alex Ross didn't use a human model for his paintings.


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