Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Joy Division

The story of JD as told by the people who were there. Tony Wilson (head of Factory Records), Peter Saville (sleeve designer) Hooky, Barney and Stephen (band members) and Annik Honore (Ian Curtis' girl friend). Deborah Curtis gave this a berth, maybe there's too many painful memories to dredge up. What I like most about this documentary is the juxtaposition of the music against the English urban landscape. The images drag me back to my years in Cardiff, Wales. As it is, the music is a vivid portrait of any British town and serves as their ambient soundscapes. Nothing too revelatory here except maybe for descriptions of Martin Hannett, their producer.

The Best of Radiohead

Always wanted a retrospect of their music videos although this looks like an episode of Channel V's (local MTV channel) "Retro". The early videos are generally bland and two versions of "High and Dry" is overkill even if it is one of my fave songs by them. Others I've seen before. The cartoon for "Paranoid Android" is interesting, as this is the uncensored version, no pixellated nipples of the mermaids. My favourite amongst all is the surrealistic dream-like "Knives Out". I already have "I Might Be Wrong", "Push Pulk Revolving Doors/Like Spinning Plates" and "Sit Down Stand Up" on another DVD - "Te Most Gigantic Lying Mouth of All Time". Nothing from "In Rainbows" as this is a Parlophone DVD.

Hellboy 2 : The Golden Army

Nothing much to say about this except it can't decide whether to be a grim fairytale like "Pan's Labyrinth" (using creatures similar to that movie) or le grand superhero bash. I liked it, but only just.


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