Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Saw these two recently:-

Clash of the Titans

More like Crap of the Titans. Millenias ago, long before they were Gods on Olympus, the Titans rules the Earth. When one of them had stomach upset, he went to the West Coast of the northern side of the American continent and took a huge crap on the place now known as Hollywood. Seriously, though, why bother with a remake when you can't add anything to the original? The original's stop-motion capture effects bedazzled and created a sense of wonderment. Here, it's just CGI overkill and the creatures aren't digitally drawn that creatively. Ralph Fiennes' raspy whisper as Hades is just comical and I LOL'ed several times. Liam Neeson looks like a displaced King Arthur without the regality. There's none of the random randiness of the Gods as in the original, and the deities' sexual misadventures are done for a purpose. A total waste of time. Good thing it's so short. Perseus gets it on with the immortal Io and not Princess Andromeda. And Medusa wears a bra. Sheesh!

I Love You Philip Morris

I read the iMdb message boards on this before watching this and am rather befuddled. Why is this labelled a "serious" movie and Carrey's performance here seen as "serious" by some of the posters there? This is a comedy as well, just lighter in tone. The homosexual overtones initially are meant to be gross-out funny although it does become quite well-drawn out and sensitively handled when Carrey meets Ewan MacGregor's titular character. It also takes forever to get going but once the romance is in place, it is quite funny to see how Carrey will do anything for love (and he'll do that as well). Carrey doesn't age well, though, looking pretty haggard and he might as well have AIDS in real life. He also looks uncomfortable in the more intimate gay scenes. Otherwise, pretty okay. And to answer iMdb's message board, Carrey had a serous role before in The Truman Show and he pulled it off pretty well.


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