Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Book of Eli

Pretty non-descript post-apocalyptic nonsense. I really don't see what's the big significance of the Bible here. As it is, it just becomes another book on the shelf in the ending.

Lots of contradictions. Water is already scarce, why then still got fuel to power bikes and cars? Given the main character is blind, how can he shoot arrows? And what is it with hand tremors after eating human flesh? There were, and still are, cannibalistic tribes on this Earth and I never heard of any of them getting the shakes. Is there really a "Ring My Bell" (Anita Ward) 78 record? And does it take 30 years to cross America on foot?

Slow moving as well. Best thing is the opening shot of a hairless cat being shot with an arrow.... If only the rest of the movie looked this good. Also, pretty fantastic soundtrack as well.

I thought the whole movie would be ultraviolent like the beginning but no....

Anyways, my gf said it would have been better to have watched "Just Another Pandora's Box", which is a nonsensical Hong Kong Chinese movie....


At 9:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the idea of Pandora box. My blog is named after it.


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