Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Grant Morrison's JLA graphic novels.

New World Order - Morrison getting his footing here. Pretty okay start.

Rock of Ages - Already have the first three parts. Didn't realise it would turn into a different corner so aprubtly.

DC One Million - collects the four issues, plus the various tie-ins, with my favourite being the future Batman tale.

Strength in Numbers - lame bit being the Adam Strange tale.

Justice for All - pretty good.

World War III- he wanted to go out with a bang, but this is over-cluttered. Everything AND the kitchen sink.

Earth 2 - i thought these kind of parallel worlds stories reached its zenith with Crisis. Pretty workable tale although the dark mirror equivalents of the JLA aren't sordid or evil enough for my liking. I'm thinking rape and slaughter en masse.


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