Diary of a Schizophrenic

A madman's diary.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Sleepaway Camp 3

Throwaway slasher classic from the 80s. I'm supposed to have all three but the pirate factory only printed 1 and 3. As such, this is not too bad as they are hardly connected. No attempts to actually scare or shock you, just murders done blatantly to show how inventive the lead villain is.

Angela Baker may not be Freddy Krueger or Jason Vorhees, but can they rap like Debbie Harry? The hair metal music soundtrack is hilariously cheesy. Some pretty crap topless scenes as well, too much silicone. The Asian girl is also rather ugly. Glad to see her go so soon.

But otherwise, highly recommended for anybody into 80s slasher flicks.


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